Noah’s Ark Craft Ideas for Sunday School Classes & Bible Lessons

Noah’s ark craft
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Noah’s Ark craft ideas help children learn and remember a favorite Bible lesson. Near the beginning of the Old Testament, we hear about faithful Noah and his family. In Genesis 6, Noah obeys God and starts building a massive ark, subjecting himself to ridicule from neighbors. Then he rounds up animal pairs and what must have been a massive amount of provisions. Imagine being cooped up in that smelly boat while it rained for 40 days and 40 nights!

A Noah’s Ark craft can focus on the building of the vessel itself. Or it might feature lively animals entering the gigantic boat. After the Great Flood, a dove bearing an olive branch signifies to Noah that dry land is near (Genesis 8:11). So you can represent that aspect of the Bible story in your kids craft. And, of course, there’s the colorful rainbow at the end of the story, symbolizing God’s trustworthy promise (Genesis 9:13).

Kids will love the creative Noah’s Ark craft ideas below. Some are better for younger kids, while others require some fine-motor skills. Adapt the activities for your Sunday school class or small group. Be sure to display all the Noah’s Ark creations afterward, for parents and church members to see!

10 Noah’s Ark Craft Activities Kids Will Love

To help you prepare a Bible lesson about Noah and the ark, we’ve gathered a boatload of great craft ideas. Which ones will you try?

1. Build the Boat

First, help little learners construct Noah’s ark with wooden craft sticks. Then fill up each boat with fun animal faces.

2. Float Your Boat

Toddlers and preschoolers will enjoy creating this ark out of dry cereal. Also provide craft supplies for fluffy white clouds and steep blue waves.

3. A Change of Scenery

This simple coloring craft is great for illustrating the different parts of this beloved Bible lesson.

4. Animals Galore

Do you have a bunch of animal stickers in your children’s ministry supply closet? Then use them for this Noah’s Ark craft. Children will have a blast adding animals to the ramp or boat.

5. Crafty Creatures

Check out this fingerprint Noah’s Ark activity. Preschool children will love making animals out of paint. Just make sure the paint is washable!

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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