Online Content and Streaming Tips for Families at Christmas

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Online content and streaming now dominate children’s free time. And Christmas vacation brings even more down time—and screen time—for kids. This holiday season, and all year long, partner with parents to help families stream good news of great joy into their homes. 

Most children’s ministry leaders would agree: We want to equip parents and help families invite Jesus to be part of their everyday lives at home. For families today, that includes screen time and online content!

For better or worse, media plays a significant part in 21st-century family life. More and more, streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ and social media sites like YouTube deliver beloved, on-demand content for kids and families.

Online Content: Streaming Habits

Children today are accustomed to watching what they want when they want it. Gone are the days of hurrying home from the school bus to catch the beginning of a favorite show on TV. Now, on-demand entertainment invites kids (and their grown-ups) to watch favorite shows over and over whenever they’d like.

Research confirms this media trend. A study from the United Talent Agency shows that kids’ entertainment consumption is growing. In fact, four of the five most popular movies on Netflix in 2021 were children’s titles.

And social media is no different. The study reveals that 85% of U.S. children ages 2-12 watch videos on YouTube. From January to June 2022, a 15% viewership increase occurred for the top 10 monthly kids’ content on YouTube.

Remember, digital platforms like YouTube are not for “commercial use.” Their content is designed to be viewed by individuals or families in homes or on personal streaming devices. So bringing streaming content into Christmas programs or services is not the way to go. (If this surprises to you, never fear. Check out 7 Things Musicians Wish You Knew About YouTube to learn more.)

But children’s ministry leaders can invite families to stream Jesus-centered online content for their personal viewing. And what better time to do so than at Christmas!

This holiday season, kids will spend even more time cozied up at home. So partner with parents and help them identify great media and online content for their children. Here’s how…

3 Ways To Minister Via Streaming and Media

1. Watch kids’ favorite shows.

First, carve out some time in your schedule to watch kids’ content on streaming platforms or social media. It’s okay! You’re still “working” as you watch. Watching kids’ content is one of the best ways for children’s ministry leaders to understand what it’s like to be a kid today.

As you watch, you’ll learn from expert content creators for kids. Notice the pace, word choices, and how they keep young viewers engaged. Take notes and compare the truth you share with kids on Sundays with messages they’re hearing throughout the rest of the week. While watching their beloved movies and shows, be open to learning more about the students you lead.

2. Share your favorite content to stream.

Clever, creative, and helpful streaming content for children and families is available. As their children’s ministry leader, help them find it! When you view something cool, send it to families to watch together at home—where it’s intended to be watched. You can even provide a few questions for them to talk about after viewing. For example:

  • What part did you like best? Why did you like it so much?
  • Did anything in that video remind you of Jesus? If so, what was it?
  • What person in the video is most like you? Why?

Remember, Jesus often used real-world illustrations, eye-to-eye conversations, and everyday objects to explain eternal truths in fresh and surprising ways. Help families invite Jesus into their everyday viewing habits. That way, even an episode of “Making Fun” or “Is It Cake?” can help families grow friendship with Jesus and each other.

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