Children’s Ministry Training Basics You NEED to Include for Volunteers

children's ministry training


So with that in mind, how does someone with a ministry model like mine do that with weekly meetings? We’ve decided to use a combination approach. As with many employers, we hold monthly safety meetings.
Our seasonal items continue in a rally/meeting training atmosphere where we cover the basics as well. And to keep those basic elements up to speed and at the surface, a monthly handout accompanies a “thank you” for serving.
And don’t forget background checks! Those are a priority and should come before any children’s ministry training begins.

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Heidi M Hensley
Heidi Hensley is currently the Children’s Minister at Shadow Mountain Church in El Cajon, Ca. and has over 23 years of ministry experience. Heidi has a passion for teaching kids that they can be spiritual giants and building strong teams of volunteers who lead them well. She lives in San Diego, CA with her husband, Jason, and two sons. With a strong love for coffee and surfing, she is grateful that her boys also love both of those things!

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