Do you ever have Sundays where it seems that one crisis after another pops up?
Where you wonder what’s gonna happen next?
Where you’re constantly scrambling and don’t have time to really connect with kids, parents or volunteers?
I’ve had those Sundays at the church where I serve, and it wasn’t until the past year that I realized it didn’t have to be that way.
And the biggest change that helped me escape that cycle was very simple.
Before I share the change, I want to say that while it’s a simple concept to share, implementing it is much more difficult.
We’re about a year into it, and we still aren’t completely there.
OK, now here’s the change that made the biggest difference: For each service, we found (are still finding) someone whose only job is to manage volunteers and handle crises.
I still remember the Sunday where I was scheduled as the Large Group leader, and before the service began one person after another came to me asking where is [blank], and if I could troubleshoot [blank], and could I fix [blank], and if I could direct [blank] volunteer.
After putting out all those little fires, I ran into the Large Group room 10 minutes late and hurriedly called the kids to sit down.
Then during the Small Group time, I was running around in a frenzy again.
The whole service was thrown off.
By the end of the day my head was spinning, and I knew something had to change.
I’d missed opportunities to have conversations with parents and kids, I didn’t slow down to ask how any of our volunteers were doing, and I rushed through our Large Group.
Maybe you’ve had some Sundays like that, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here’s the Crisis Management and Volunteer Coordinator job description:
- Lead a short huddle with volunteers letting them know our every week goals and Small Group service projects, and collecting prayer requests.
- Collect prayer requests of all volunteers who weren’t part of the huddle.
- Check in on Small Groups throughout the Small Group time to see if anything is needed.
- Give Small Group leaders a five-minute warning before parent arrival for pickup.
- Troubleshoot any issues that come up with technology or any other crises.
The role requires taking on a good amount of responsibility, which is why it will take time to find someone and train them to be able to handle it.
But as you find people to fill the role of Volunteer Coordinator and Crisis Manager, you’ll begin to notice that you aren’t running around like a chicken with its head cut off anymore.
You can be in the moment with parents at drop-off and pickup.
You can lead the Large Group or Service without feeling rushed or wondering what crisis is coming next.
You can be present with kids during the Small Group time.
Your volunteers will feel cared for and valued because there’s someone pouring into them and available to help with anything they need.
At first, this might be a role you have to take on yourself.
But my guess is there’s someone in your church or ministry who has a heart to care for other volunteers and would find joy in putting out fires; you just have to find them.
If you’ve lost some of your joy or feel stretched too thin, this is a great way to protect yourself from burnout because you can only run 100 mph for so long before you can’t.
I hope this post was helpful to you!
This article originally appeared here.