Church Service Projects: 12 Outreach Activities for Children

church service projects


Church service projects aren’t just for teens and adults. They might seem like something for your senior pastor, youth minister, and others to tackle. But it’s much easier to begin conducting outreach activities with children.

Do you wish your church offered more servant-based activities for younger children? Do you wish you could help children’s ministry students reach out to your congregation and community? Then take the initiative by performing one of these dozen church service projects geared toward children.

12 Community & Church Service Projects for Kids

1. Water Bottle Sleeves

When children at our church play sports, we ask parents if we can provide water bottles for them to hand out at games. We involve kids by having them make custom water bottle sleeves during small groups and taping them on the bottles.

For the sleeves, we cut construction paper to fit around the bottles and use tape to attach them. For example, we made sleeves for a swim team with phrases like “Just keep swimming” and “Oxygen is overrated.” Then the family handed them out at a swim meet and made an explanatory card for the coach.

Through church service projects like this, more than 60 kids and parents gained a positive image of our congregation and children’s ministry program.

2. Melted Crayons

Our local children’s hospital asked us to have kids melt used crayons in silicone molds for patients who had motor issues. So we bought circle and flower molds from Amazon on the cheap: and

Then we asked families to bring used crayons and also took a bunch from Sunday school classrooms. Children took off the wrappers, broke crayons into small pieces, and put them in the molds. We baked them at 350 degrees until melted and let them cool.

If you don’t have an oven at church, take the crayons home and melt them there. When we delivered this service project, hospital personnel were very thankful.

3. Art Kits

We partner with a local organization that works with low-income families. So we asked if our kids could do anything for them. They said they’d love for us to make art kits for the kids they serve.

So we bought a bunch of craft items from a dollar store and combined them with stuff we already had at our church. When we delivered the packs, they were super appreciative.

4. Handmade Cards

Children made cards for the kids of missionary families in our church. We wrote encouraging notes and then scanned and emailed all the cards, because they couldn’t receive mail.

We also did this for residents of a local retirement home. Kids wrote encouraging verses and notes on the cards. The residents were very moved by this service project!

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