How to Make a Child Feel Loved: 12 Easy Yet Powerful Ideas

how to make a child feel loved


Are you wondering how to make a child feel loved and valued? It’s not that difficult but much needed. Whether you’re a Sunday School teacher, a children’s pastor, a volunteer, or someone who wants to make an eternal difference in a child’s life, you have what it takes.

Just use these 12 tips for how to make a child feel loved and valued.

12 Tips: How to Make a Child Feel Loved

1. Give them a COMPLIMENT.

Everyone enjoys hearing something nice about themselves, especially kids. Most of the time, they probably need to hear something good about themselves.

2. Send them a POSTCARD.

Kids absolutely love getting mail. In a kid’s world, only adults get mail. So it’s a big deal when something arrives with their name on it.

3. Use their NAME.

Nothing is so sweet to hear as the sound of one’s own name. You can call a kid “buddy” or “sweetheart” only so often before they catch on.

4. Make your first words VALUABLE.

Talking negatively toward a child won’t get you far if you haven’t first invested into them positively. So establish a relationship before trying to enforce rules.

5. Kneel to their EYE LEVEL.

Getting down on their level speaks volumes about how much you care. It’s a big deal when an adult intentionally speaks to a child eye to eye.

6. Ask them about their WEEK.

Kids have a life too. Show you care by finding out about it. You might be surprised what you learn.

7. PRAY with them.

When you ask a child what you can pray with them about, you’re opening a door of spiritual influence. All kids have something they’ll let you pray for, if you’ll ask.

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Andrew Linder
Andrew is a husband, the father of four awesome kids, and a children's pastor at a thriving church. He is passionate about intentional parenting and helping other parents and leaders effectively reach the next generation. He blogs about kids and family at, and provides proven resources for VBS and children's ministry at

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