Teach your kids that a handwritten note for gifts they receive is still one of the most effective forms of gratitude. Have them make personal phone calls or home visits to people who have done special things for them.
Nothing can seem less appreciated like when someone gives of their time or money to never hear from the person on the receiving end of their sacrifice.
The more we teach our children to be thankful and to express it, the less of a sense of entitlement they will develop.
It’s not hard to spot a sense of entitlement in a child nowadays. You can hear it in their voice and see it on their face from a mile away. And no one enjoys it, not even the child who possesses it. It’s taxing on the child, the parents, and anyone else within earshot.
But on the opposite extreme, how refreshing is it to meet a young person who is willing to work hard, not afraid to give back, and naturally expresses gratitude? I think you’d agree, they’re diamonds in the ruff.
What a blessing we can give to our kids and the people whose paths they will cross in their lives by nurturing into their hearts an attitude of gratitude instead of an attitude of entitlement. The difference between the two is night and day. One looks for opportunities to give while the other seeks only what it can take.
Of the three ways listed above, which one could you implement more into your family life to nurture an attitude of gratitude over a sense of entitlement? You can answer by leaving a comment here.