A Think Before You Speak poster is a valuable addition to any Sunday school classroom or kidmin area. Children of all ages can use reminders about pausing before opening their mouth. (In fact, so can adults of all ages!)
So here’s a free Think Before You Speak poster that you can download and display. Kids will love the poster’s colorful design. They might even ask for a copy to place in their bedroom at home.
Download and print this colorful poster to use in all your Sunday school classrooms. The poster encourages children to ask themselves these key questions before speaking:
- Is it true?
- Is it helpful?
- Is it inspiring?
- Is it necessary?
- Is it kind?
Think Before You Speak Poster for KidMin
From Children’s Ministry Deals: So many kids need to learn to Think Before You Speak in this “say anything” culture. If you’re a teacher of any kind, this poster is a great reminder to kids all year long. We’ve included two sizes with this FREE download, one movie-size poster and one 6-foot banner size. So now you can cover your wall with this useful and colorful Think Before You Speak poster.
Resource provided by Children’s Ministry Deals
Download Instructions for the Think Before You Speak poster: Follow the on-screen directions at the download site.