Paul Tripp is a pastor, author and conference speaker passionate about living out the Gospel and maintaining a sense of awe. Pastor Tripp spends most of his time teaching and counseling pastors and ministry leaders. He shared with us some profound secrets of how ‘awe’ changes everything.
Living a life of awe changes everything. It also takes practice to notice, reflect on and respond to the glory of god each day. Tripp shares the key to adjusting our attention to glory and our posture to awe.
“Now, I want to suggest something that can get you started in the right direction. I want to suggest to your listeners four things they should do every morning. The first thing is gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. Start your day gazing upon the beauty of the Lord. I don’t mean your normal Bible reading or Bible study that you’re doing. But take a few moments to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.
You say, “I don’t know how to do that.” Well, how about reading Isaiah 40 where the prophet is stretching the language to its widest elasticity in order to capture the glory of God? Or how about the last few chapters of Job where God says to Job, “Where were you when the foundations of the creation were laid”? Or how about Ephesians 1 where God displays His redeeming purpose over the ages? Go somewhere and just focus on the beauty, the glory of the Lord.
The first word is “gaze.” The second word is “remember.” Remember that God’s beauty, His glory, His awesome glory not only defines Him, but it redefines you as His child. Because all that God is, He is for us by grace. He’s unleashed that glory on us.
Gaze, remember, and third is “rest.” Teach your heart to rest, not because people like you, not because situations are easy, not because the bills are paid, not because you’re healthy, but because God is. He’s awesome in His Glory and He’s connected you to His glory by grace.
Gaze, remember, rest, now go out and act. Now go out and live your day with hope and courage, because you’re doing it in the context of the awesome glory of God, and you have reason to be confident, even though you live in a broken world.”
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