We recently created a closed Facebook Group for church communicators who follow Church Juice. Why would we take the time to create a group, invest in this small community, and promote it? Here are four reasons.
One of the dynamics that is at the heart of Church Juice’s ministry philosophy is building community among church communicators. For many people who follow Church Juice, church communications and marketing is outside of your normal expertise; it’s just one more element that’s been added to an already-full plate of responsibilities. So we want to help encourage you as much as possible. Building a community where you and other church communicators can come together allows us to serve you and the Church better.
Having a Facebook Group for your church, or various ministries is a great idea. Different than a Page, Groups allow for deeper, meaningful interaction with other like-minded people. In your church, this means the opportunity to post news, updates, prayer requests, and more with people who are already invested in your church (namely your members). In Church Juice Community, this means we can build deeper interaction with one another. As a recent article from The Verge mentioned, “Facebook is now about community-building, and not just with friends.” If this is the future of Facebook, and we’re encouraging you to do this, we think we should probably do the same—as the old saying goes, “practice what you preach.”
I wish I could spend my days traveling to churches all over the globe, meeting you face-to-face, and helping your church’s unique situation and dilemmas. But the reality is time is at a premium and budget dollars don’t stretch that far. Creating a closed community, where members must be approved to join, allows me to create a group that is more interested in Church Juice, with people who desire deeper interaction, at a fraction of the cost of being in person. I love being able to help churches as much as possible, and the Facebook Group allows me to spend more time interacting with each of you.
One of the great features of having a Facebook Group exclusive for church communicators is that you can communicate directly with each other. Want some feedback on a new communication piece or graphic? Post it in the group and ask for constructive criticism. Need help brainstorming ideas for a headline or title? Give the Group a chance to brainstorm with you. Want to see how other churches handle photo release forms? Ask the group. The idea is to create genuine community, so the more involved you are, the better the community is for everyone.
I’d love to have you join our Facebook Group. There are so many reasons I decided to create the Group, but I think the four reasons above are really a great overview of what’s awesome about Facebook Groups. Come join the Group.
This article originally appeared here.