Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative What Does Worship Look Like When There Is No Singing in Church?

What Does Worship Look Like When There Is No Singing in Church?

For example, worship leaders might consider the church tradition of the Lectio Divina, an ancient method of praying and contemplating Scripture that can be implemented in a group setting. 

It could also be that, as Rev. Witvliet alluded above, a church might embrace fasting from music for a season. For centuries, Christians have practiced the spiritual discipline of fasting, primarily from food, but also from other enjoyments. As this author points out, “An occasional season of musical fasting may help to deepen our devotion. It could also help us to be more discerning and appreciative of the gift of music when it once again bears our praise aloft.”

Finally, it’s helpful to remember that while Christians often equate “worship” with “music” in our terminology, we recognize that worship goes far beyond music. In fact, all of our lives are to be lived in worship to God. As one user recently observed on the ChurchLeaders Facebook page, “Worship is not just singing. There is so much more…What a great time to preach on worship and what it means.”