Dungy responds: “Every life matters. Every life is important. The other side of your question is also valid. Which lives do we say don’t matter and we can just kill them? The unborn, the elderly, the poor. I believe they all matter.”
Media outlets have highlighted Biden’s “inconsistent” stance on abortion, with NPR noting that the president “manages to annoy both sides.” Back in 2007, then-Senator Biden told an interviewer, “I am prepared to accept my church’s view. I think it’s a tough one. I have to accept that on faith.” He added, “It’s clear to me when there’s viability, meaning the ability to survive outside the womb, that I don’t have any doubt.”
In 2015, as vice president, Biden told the editor of the Catholic magazine America that while he was “prepared to accept as a matter of faith…the issue of abortion” he wasn’t prepared to “impose a…precise view that is born out of my faith, on other people who are equally God-fearing, equally as committed to life, equally as committed to the sanctity of life.” He added, “I’m prepared to accept that the moment of conception is a human life and being. But I’m not prepared to say that to other God-fearing, non-God-fearing people that have a different view.”
While running for president in 2019, Biden said this about abortion: “I can’t justify leaving millions of women without the access to care they need, and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right.”