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Pastor Trends on Twitter After Modesty Post Causes a Total Meltdown

“I know this is the world we have no choice but to live in,” he said, “because every time I give commonsense exhortation to Christian sisters concerning modesty—things that would have been uncontroversially obvious to most Christians living prior to the 20th century—the response is absurd. Ladies send pornographic videos and images to me in my direct messages. They QT my tweets with wildly inappropriate pictures of themselves. They curse and rage and say all sorts of utterly disgusting things. Some of these women are even professed Christians.”

A few people observed that social media algorithms play a role in users receiving messages like these.

Sauvé appears to see the controversy as a resounding success so far. He tweeted Wednesday, “So far, over 20 million people have seen my Twitter feed, several major news outlets have published an explicit presentation of the gospel from my Tweets, and Beth Moore outed herself (yet again) as a dangerous false teacher. The Lord writes the best stories.”

Not everyone sees it that way, however. “I’m a Christian,” said user Whitley Marion, “and you are not helping anyone find the Lord with the way you’re twittering. Honestly, you’re making it about yourself instead of showing people Jesus. Do better. Non-believers should look at you and see a light that makes them want to know more about Christ.”