This past Sunday, Global Vision Bible Church pastor Greg Locke continued his sermon series “Desperate for Deliverance,” claiming a devil inside a woman’s body had identified six witches who have infiltrated his congregation. Locke also claims that this devil told him about a lead vocalist at a megachurch in the Nashville area, someone whom Locke claims is a “head witch.”
Three weeks ago, Locke told his congregation that children with autism are demonized, because there’s “no such diagnosis in the Bible.” Earlier this month, the church also held a mass burning of “demonic” literature and media, such as Harry Potter, an event that brought out Homeland Security.
RELATED: Greg Locke Says Autistic Children Are Demonized: ‘Ain’t No Such Diagnosis in the Bible’
Preaching from Mark 5, Locke told those in attendance on Sunday, “I know I say this a lot, but I love you enough to be misunderstood if I have to be. So far—and I know I’ve got some encounters to go and we got some witches to confront—the unbelievable voices [of] anger, rage, perversities, screaming, pain, healing, nausea, every bit of what I’ve seen for days has all come out of believers. Not lost people.”
Locke sarcastically implied that people who vote for Democrats are influenced by demons. The pastor then laughed and made a comment regarding a news reporter who was in the service, saying, “That news reporter is like ‘What did he say?’ Yeah I said it—fun part is I meant it, Skippy.”
Telling stories about his children desiring to mimic their father, Locke referred to his family as “demon killers in the name of Jesus.” Locke divorced his first wife after 21 years of marriage in 2017. The couple share four children together. Locke later married his church assistant, who was the center of rumors of an extramarital affair—rumors that both adamantly denied. The couple adopted two children after they married.
“There is no reason for me at all to ever have to extrapolate and exaggerate what I am telling you,” Locke said, emphasizing that what he shares is not made up or inflated to make better stories. “I hate fake. I shut it down. I can’t stand manipulation. It’s demonic in and of itself. So when I tell you the things that I’ve seen—hand to God—in the name of Jesus…If I’m lying, if I’m over exaggerating what I’m trying to tell these people for the purpose of clicks and likes, may I drop dead preaching on this platform having blasphemed the power of the Holy Ghost in front of everybody. I ain’t playing.”
Locke then shared a story about a woman who is new to the church and recently came into the church office while possessed by a demon. Locke said that both he and his wife were present at the time.
RELATED: Pastor Greg Locke to Fight ‘Demonic Influences’ by Burning ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Twilight’
The pastor told of how the demon in the woman knew things that he didn’t tell her, like the time his bus was coming to pick him up for a speaking engagement and how a secret camera was video taping their session.
“That devil gave us the first and last names of the six witches that have been sent as plants at Global Vision Bible Church,” Locke said. “First and last name. I promise. Unbelievable.”