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Biden Says a ‘Child of God’ Has a Right to an Abortion; Psaki Calls Mohler’s Opposition to Roe ‘an Outlier Position’

“Interracial marriage involves consenting adults. So does gay marriage. A person consents to using contraception. Prior cases protect consensual adult sexual activity,” French continued. “[If Alito’s] draft opinion holds as written, it will be precedent for the idea that abortion is substantially legally different from gay marriage. It does not treat the two issues the same, and if the Supreme Court is going to limit the rights of consenting adults to privacy, intimacy, and marital relationships, it won’t do so through Dobbs.”

Also on Wednesday, journalist Jack Jenkins tweeted a clip of a White House press conference, wherein one reporter brought up remarks made by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) president Albert Mohler

“Albert Mohler has commented on President Biden’s stance, and an unusual position on abortion,” The reporter said to Press Secretary Jen Psaki. “He said, ‘[Biden] and his administration do not trust the public in various areas to have the right to determine whether or not abortion should be legal in that area or not.’”

Mohler made these remarks on his podcast, “The Briefing.”

“So he’s essentially saying that Biden does not think that states should have the rights to determine…to the degree that abortions are legal or not,” the reporter went on to say. 

Psaki responded, “The president believes it should continue to be federal law that women have the right to make choices with their doctors, as it has been for 50 years.”

“And I would just say, with all due respect to the person you mentioned, even a Fox News poll earlier this month showed that 63% of Americans want Roe to stand,” Psaki continued. “So I think that’s actually kind of an outlier position as it relates to the American public.”

In response to the clip, Mohler tweeted, “It’s not every day the White House responds to The Briefing. I appreciate this brave reporter and I stand by my criticism of President Biden’s radical support for abortion.”

While a majority of Americans currently do not support the overturn of Roe, some pro-life advocates have been quick to argue that the tide of history will eventually turn against denying the personhood of unborn children. 

“Court decisions that parse who is and isn’t human have never aged well. In the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, the court ruled that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and were therefore not entitled to protections from the federal government or the courts,” wrote Karen Swallow Prior, Research Professor of English and Christianity and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, in a recent column for RNS.

RELATED: 3 Realities for Christians to Consider if Roe Is Overturned

Prior continued, “The ruling, considered one of the worst in the history of the court, has been described as the court’s great ‘self-inflicted wound.’ Roe will surely be understood in the pages of history similarly.”