But board chair Maggie John said the church wanted to use the same terminology as the investigative report. She also praised the alleged victim’s “incredible bravery and courage” for sharing her story and bringing “the truth to light.”
Cavey, who has long hair and tattoos, had been one of Canada’s most recognizable pastors. He taught at several U.S. seminaries and universities, wrote “The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus,” and was the subject of Peter Schuurman’s book “The Subversive Evangelical: The Ironic Charisma of an Irreligious Megachurch.”
The Meeting House has an average weekly attendance of 5,000 worshipers at its 21 locations. It attracts people who previously were alienated from the Christian faith and church traditions.
In a statement, the local police department reminds victims “there is no statute of limitations” for sexual offenses and says their accounts will be believed.