Home Christian News ‘Shazam!’ Star Shares How God Showed Him Love After He Was Suicidal

‘Shazam!’ Star Shares How God Showed Him Love After He Was Suicidal

Levi shared that he has had several experiences in his life of feeling as though he did not want to live any more, but the most intense of these by far was when he moved to Austin. It was also the first time in Levi’s life that he doubted God’s existence. “I have always leaned into God and into my faith and trusted and followed,” however imperfectly, said Levi. But feeling suicidal and as though God had abandoned him after calling him to Austin really “shook my faith.”

Thankfully, Levi’s friends and family were supportive of him, and his sister helped him check into a healing retreat where he received therapy. One woman in particular who Levi met while undergoing therapy was like an “angel from heaven,” he said, and was “God’s conduit of a mother’s love to me,” All of the instruction he received during that time would not have been worthwhile without her helping him to see that he was worthy of God’s love.

“Actual love is a radical practice,” said Zachary Levi, observing that even though Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies and to pray for them, “I don’t even find a lot of Christians that honestly do this often.”

He said, “If we have any chance of making it into a future that is not just really sad and really full of hate and anger and fear, we have got to radically accept where people are in their lives.”