On Wednesday (October 12), Hulu released a trailer for their upcoming documentary titled “God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty,” which will be available for streaming on November 1. The documentary is set to follow the sex scandal involving Jerry Falwell Jr., his wife Becki, and pool boy Giancarlo Granda.
The story will apparently highlight Granda’s perspective.
Falwell, whose father was the highly influential Baptist preacher who founded Liberty University and co-founded the Moral Majority, served as president of Liberty University from 2007 until 2020 when he was forced to resign amid scandal.
RELATED: Not a ‘Religious Person’: Jerry Falwell Jr. on His Dramatic Fall From Grace
At the center of that scandal was an alleged affair between Becki Falwell and Giancarlo Granda, whom the couple met at a resort in Miami. Granda has claimed that Jerry Falwell Jr. knew about the affair and encouraged it, something the Falwell couple has denied.
The trailer for “God Forbid” opens with images of a Miami Beach resort teeming with partiers overlaid with a voiceover of Granda saying, “As a pool attendant, I would get hit on. But if I would have known that accepting this woman’s invitation to go back to her hotel room would have led to a scandal involving the president of the largest Christian university in the world, and president of the United States, I would have walked away and just enjoyed my private life.”
At the time when the scandal with Granda was coming to light, Falwell had a close relationship with former president Donald Trump, regularly offering his public endorsement of Trump, defending Trump when various controversies arose, and conferring with Trump lawyer Michael Cohen when his own scandal was looming.
Pool Boy Tells All
“[The Falwells] have a public image. But behind the scenes, they’re freaks,” Granda says later in the documentary trailer. “At the time, I didn’t really know who they were.”
Speaking about Falwell’s children, Granda says, “They had no idea that their dad liked to record his wife having sex with me.”
Another interviewee says, “Becki was in love with this kid. Jerry was looking at keeping his wife happy…They were bringing him into a world he couldn’t imagine: real estate, politics.”
RELATED: Jerry Falwell Jr. Addresses ‘False Media Reports’ About Him Following Vanity Fair Profile
“I’m like, this is it,” Granda says.