To Actor Mr. T, Preaching God’s Word Is an ‘Awesome Responsibility’

mr t
Arrival of 'The A-Team' at Circuit Zandvoort, April 22, 1984. Fotopersbureau De Boer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


On October 9, actor, wrestler, and outspoken Christian Mr. T (Laurence Tureaud) had the opportunity to preach at his home congregation, Chicago’s Cosmopolitan Community Church. Mr. T has preached elsewhere and is open about his Christian faith on Twitter and during media appearances.

“I always get Butterflies before I Preach in Church,” the 70-year-old actor tweeted the night before. “I must remember to take my Time and let the Spirit Move Me.” In the 1980s TV show “The A-Team,” Mr. T played B.A. Baracus.

On October 5, when Mr. T shared news of his upcoming sermon, he tweeted that the invitation to preach at his home church was a “Great Honor” and an “Awesome Responsibility” that he doesn’t “Take Lightly.”

Mr. T’s Sermon: ‘Thomas Doubted the Disciples,’ Not Jesus

For his message titled “Doubting Thomas,” Mr. T preached on John 20:24-25. “Let me set the record straight right here,” he told congregants. “Thomas did not doubt the Power of Christ. Oh no, no way. Thomas had seen Jesus do too many miracles. Thomas knew and felt that Jesus was capable. Had the inward ability of rising from the grave. The thing that Thomas doubted was what [the other disciples were] telling him. Not what was being said, but who was saying it.”

Mr. T added, “Thomas did not doubt Jesus. Thomas doubted the disciples who [were] telling him about Jesus, because Thomas knew the disciples were not credible witnesses.” In his sermon, Mr. T noted, “Thomas was not the only disciple that [doubted]. As a matter of fact, many of you are doubting Jesus right now!”

After the service, Mr. T tweeted: “I want to Thank Everybody who Tuned in to My Sermon. Thanks for your Support and Encouragement. I really Needed that and I Felt it, GOD Bless You!” He admitted feeling “spiritually drained” by the experience but added he “felt so Good knowing that I Gave it My All!”

Worship Experience Left Mr. T ‘Full of Emotions’

Mr. T indicated he was “full of Emotions after Hearing ‘Amazing Grace’ song in Honor of my Mother, before I Preached.” In 2017, the acting legend performed a waltz to that hymn on the reality show “Dancing With the Stars.”

During that TV appearance, Mr. T also opened up about a 1995 cancer battle—and how his Christian faith sustained him through the challenge. “I called on God. I said, ‘God, give me strength to do your will.’ That’s when it really hit me: What’s really real? My faith in God, that was real, because only God could save me.”

In recent tweets, Mr. T has emphasized God’s grace and forgiveness, saying that while other people try to bring up the actor’s past, he is “busy looking to My Future.” He writes: “I Felt there Always was A Calling on My Life, But I guess I just kinda Resisted It until that Tug Got a Little Stronger and Louder. Thank you Jesus.”

Two days before preaching at his home church, Mr. T tweeted: “I Must be Honest with You, to be Invited to Preach and Deliver A Soul Saving Sermon is GOD Ordained. Because ‘Many are Called But Few are Chosen.’”

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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