OPINION: Care for Human Life Is the Legitimate Objective of Good Government

human life
Photo by Zachery Perry (via Unsplash)


NASHVILLE (BP) – Is the baby in the womb a human life? If so, there are number of protections that must be put in place, and many voters have significant opportunities to do so in November.

In Kentucky, where I live, the state Constitution says all people have certain “inherent and inalienable rights.” They include the right to enjoy life and liberty and to pursue safety and happiness.

First adopted in 1792, the Kentucky Constitution is reminiscent of the Declaration of Independence as it says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

And now, Kentuckians have an opportunity to affirm one of our state’s founding principles by saying there is no Constitutional right to abortion in Kentucky. By voting yes on Amendment 2, the voter will be making a strong statement for the value and dignity of human life. Life that those who have come before us said was “inherent and inalienable” and “endowed by their Creator”.

Some say this amendment outlaws abortion in Kentucky. It does not. It simply says that there is no Constitutional right to abortion or for the funding of abortion in Kentucky.

Some say this amendment would block abortion in any instance. It does not. It simply says there is no Constitutional right to abortion or for the funding of abortion in Kentucky. Even if the amendment passes, the General Assembly will still regulate access to abortion at its discretion.

In the end, the debate comes down to whether a person believes the baby in the womb is a life.

What does medical science say?

According to a 2011 article from the Journal of Prenatal Medicine, the fetal heartbeat begins at the end of the fourth week of the gestation.

According to a 2005 article from the New York Times, fetal brain activity begins by week five, and there is brain and head formation by week eight of gestation.

In an article by the National Institutes of Health, researchers found that most women discover they are pregnant between weeks five and six of gestation.

Finally, in an article released Sept. 13, by the Lozier Institute, they report, “The basic anatomical organization of the human nervous system is established by 6 weeks.” It goes on to say that new research indicates a baby reacts to “invasive procedures” as early as eight weeks’ gestation.

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Brandon Porter
Brandon Porter serves as Associate Vice President for Convention News at the SBC Executive Committee.

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