Sean Feucht Encourages Christians To ‘Step Up and Vote,’ Prays Candidates Who Fear God Are Elected

Sean Feucht
Sean Feucht screenshot via YouTube @Sean Feucht


Sean Feucht, founder and leader of “Let Us Worship,” wrapped up his “AWAKE AMERICA Tour” on Oct. 22 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., where thousands were in attendance.

Feucht, who has declared that “a scared world needs a fearless church,” encouraged those who attended his tour to pray and vote in the Nov. 8 election. Feucht told ChurchLeaders that it is “absolutely critical that Christians rise up and vote.”

Feucht is known for being outspoken regarding his policy stances, no matter how controversial Christians or non-Christians label him to be.

“We are in the place that we live in America right now largely because believers have not engaged in the basic civil duty of voting,” Feucht said. “If believers showed up at the polls tomorrow and voted their values—just voted the Bible—we would see such a dramatic shift come across America because of it.”

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Feucht believes that much is at stake in America when it comes to religious liberty, free speech, censorship, abortion, the sexualization of children, the economy, and the southern border. These issues, along with others, are critical right now, Feucht said, sharing that “there’s a polarizing difference between the parties and their ideology.” Therefore, Christians need to “step up and vote.”

The “Bold: Moving Forward in Faith, Not Fear” author said that he and his team have gathered with and encouraged thousands of people to pray that Christians would go on the offensive during the election.

Feucht explained, “We’ve been praying over the last seven days, gathering with thousands of people on this massive prayer push, and we’ve been believing that Christians would go on the offense during these elections. Meaning that we would pray and engage. We wouldn’t go on the defense and just react to what happens, but we would be a part of the change of what’s going to take place by voting, which is practical, and by praying, which is spiritual.”

RELATED: Over 5,000 Join Sean Feucht, Eric Metaxas in Times Square: ‘There’s a Church That’s Rising Up That’s Refusing To Back Down’

Christians know how powerful prayer is and that God moves on our behalf to accomplish his will, Feucht said.

“I’m praying that righteousness and justice would prevail at the ballot box,” Feucht concluded. “And that candidates that fear God would be elected to positions of authority to promote biblical values and preserve the foundation of what America is all about.”

Next year, Feucht is planning to perform in every capital city across the nation’s 50 states in a tour called the “Kingdom to the Capitol Tour.”

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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