Pastor Admonished for Skinny Jeans: ‘I’ll Let It Bring Me Closer to Jesus’

Adam Weber
Left: screengrab via YouTube (@iamembrace); Right: screengrab via Facebook (@adamaweber)


When an anonymous congregant scolded South Dakota Pastor Adam Weber for preaching in skinny jeans, he tried not to “become jaded because of it.” Instead, the leader of one of America’s fastest-growing churches says he’ll let the incident “bring me closer to Jesus.”

Weber, pastor of Embrace Church in Sioux Falls, received a handwritten letter last month calling his apparel “disgusting,” “completely offensive,” and “morally wrong.” The unnamed writer urges Weber, 40, to dress “more conservatively” while leading worship because he’s “a representative of Jesus Christ.”

Letter Reminds Pastor: ‘You Are a Role Model’

The two-page letter reprimands Weber, asking, “Where is your common sense?” The writer continues, “This looks like you are trying on purpose to be sexy!” He or she adds, “You are not in middle school but rather responsible for an entire church. … You are a role model, for crying out loud!” The letter adds that the church’s “praise and worship team should also dress conservatively.”

Weber posted the letter on Facebook not to be “passive aggressive towards the anonymous person who sent this. Or for anyone to feel sorry for me,” he writes. “Only to encourage you: Please don’t walk away from Jesus because of people.”

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The United Methodist pastor says he bears “no ill will” toward the sender, adding, “I know when I’m hurting, I think/say/do hurtful things.” He asks his social media followers to pray for the writer, “that God would shower them with His love, grace, & kindness today.” Weber says he’d love to “grab a coffee with this person to hear their story.”

About his wardrobe choices, the pastor calls them “very limited,” saying he’ll probably “keep wearing my skinny jeans. Even if they’re…sexy?”

‘Wear a Robe and Sandals Next Time’

In response to his post, Weber received a range of mostly supportive comments. “I have always thought the way you dress while on stage makes you feel more relatable to us,” writes one congregant. “Wear a robe and sandals next time and sit down to teach,” notes another. “That’ll make ‘em lose their mind!”

Continuing that theme, someone writes: “I bet this person would have really loved what Jesus wore when he preached. He most likely wasn’t even wearing pants.” Another notes: “I’m pretty sure those that followed Jesus were more concerned about what he was preaching than his clothing.”

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One comment points out: “Your church is growing! Obviously Jesus and all of us like it!” Another person takes a tongue-in-cheek swipe at Weber, writing, “Ahem. I don’t think they make you look very skinny.”

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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