Home Christian News Your Limits Are Good—Kelly Kapic and Ed Stetzer Explore Pastoral Limitations

Your Limits Are Good—Kelly Kapic and Ed Stetzer Explore Pastoral Limitations

kelly kapic
Courtesy images. Ed Stetzer (L) and Kelly Kapic (R)

In Western culture, we do not often see limitations as a benefit.  On the contrary, it is common to see dependence as a sign of weakness. One problem with this view, says Dr. Kelly Kapic, is that it conflates sin, or at the very least corruption from the Fall, with something that God created as good before sin entered the world. 

“Part of what’s happened,” says Kapic, “is we’ve started to imagine that our limits are the result of sin and the Fall…The surprise is God actually made us good, and part of the good is limits.” 

Dr. Kelly Kapic is Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. In the latest episode of the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast, which releases Wednesday, Jan. 18, Kapic discusses his book, “You’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good News,” with Dr. Ed Stetzer.

There are a number of questions that arise from the view that human limitations are inherently good. Isn’t it healthy for people to work toward various achievements by pushing past their limits? How can church leaders embrace their limitations if their churches do not support them doing so? What is the relationship between human limitations and sin? To hear what Kapic has to share in response to these and other questions, you can check out his interview on Jan. 18 at the link below.