Rick Warren Tells ChurchLeaders 5 Reasons Why Saddleback Is Challenging SBC Removal

Rick Warren
(L) SBC Annual Meeting logo courtesy of SBC. (R) Rick Warren Pulso Cristiano from Buenos Aires, Argentina, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


This morning (May 16), the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Credentials Committee announced that they have received written appeals for consideration from three of the eight churches the Executive Committee (EC) announced were no longer in “friendly cooperation” during their meetings that took place between September and February.

The EC explained during their February meeting that they had determined five churches, one of which was Saddleback Church, to be “not in friendly cooperation with the Convention due to the churches continuing to have a female functioning in the office of pastor.”

The Credential Committee’s statement explained that “SBC Bylaw 8 provides that ‘a church which has been found not to be in cooperation may appeal the decision to the Convention by submitting a written appeal…at least 30 days prior to the Convention’s annual meeting.’”

RELATED: Saddleback Church Kicked out of SBC Over Female Pastors

With the deadline now passed (May 15), the Credentials Committee said that Fern Creek Baptist Church (Louisville, Kentucky), Freedom Church (Vero Beach, Florida), and Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, California) were the three churches that appealed.

The three churches will be given a brief time to speak before the messengers at the SBC Annual Meeting on June 13 regarding their removal from the convention. According to the statement, this opportunity will take place during the afternoon session in which “one representative of the church will be recognized to speak and one representative of the Credentials Committee or Executive Committee shall be permitted to speak to the question.”

After the church representative speaks, a ballot vote will take place. “A ‘yes’ vote will affirm the decision of the Executive Committee and Credentials Committee.  A ‘no’ vote will overturn the decision of the committees and allow the church to immediately be registered and to seat messengers in accordance with Convention rules,” the Credentials Committee explained.

RELATED: Saddleback Church Announces Female Campus Pastor. Will Its Leaders Appeal SBC Removal?

SBC Executive Committee Chairman, David Sons, said, “SBC bylaws plainly outline the process for churches determined to be not in cooperation with the Convention to appeal their cases before messengers cast their votes.”

“Since this is the first time in SBC history for this particular item of business to come before the Convention,” Sans continued. “It’s important for everyone coming to New Orleans to be prepared and informed about the process.”

Saddleback Church Founder Rick Warren Responds

Saddleback Church’s founder and former lead pastor, Rick Warren, told ChurchLeaders why the church is challenging the EC’s ruling.

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here (https://twitter.com/jessetjackson). Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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