Canadian Pastor James Coates Awaiting Acquittal of COVID-19 Charges

James Coates
Screengrab via YouTube / GraceLife Church of Edmonton


Coates was not the only pastor in the area who violated health mandates. Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary and Artur Pawlowski of Calgary Street Church also in Calgary were both arrested, charged, and imprisoned for holding church services during the pandemic.

GraceLife Church attempted online services in 2020 when the government assured them the lockdown would last 14 days. After the weeks turned into months, Coates and leaders of the church decided to reopen, going against the health mandates.

In 2021, Coates was arrested, charged, and convicted of “violating public health orders in place at the time restricting church attendance, not having congregants wear masks, and not enforcing government mandates on social distancing.” The pastor spent more than a month in jail following his conviction.

Erin Coates, wife of Pastor James Coates, stood by her husband throughout his arrest and imprisonment. She said, “I do want to make it clear, he’s not in jail because he didn’t obey the restrictions. He’s in jail because he obeyed the Lord Jesus Christ and his headship over the church and did not restrict the gathering to anybody.”

In April of that same year, the Alberta government seized GraceLife Church’s building and property. Law enforcement fenced the perimeter of the property and posted armed guards to patrol the location preventing any gatherings. But churchgoers continued to gather in at least one secret location.

The congregation of GraceLife Church was able to gather again inside its facility in July 2021. Alberta Health Services (AHS) said in an official statement, “As of July 1, all AHS Executive Orders issued in connection with CMOH restrictions will be rescinded, as they are based on CMOH Orders which will themselves be rescinded.”

The tickets and fines given during the property seizure were still valid and in effect, despite the seizure itself being lifted.

At the time, Erin Coates posted on Instagram, “Guys, look what Twitter just told me! Carly Robinson of CityNews reported this. We wait eagerly on the Lord to be back in our facility. Thank you all for your continued prayers, I will keep you all posted.”

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Janna Firestone
Janna serves as Director of Women's Ministries at LifeSpring Covenant Church. You'll find her engaging in authentic conversation, enjoying a good laugh, or embarking on an outdoor adventure. Janna has contributed to several books for women and youth in the church, spoken to women's groups across the country, led small groups, and found a deep appreciation for soul care. She lives in Colorado with her husband and two sons.

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