John Cooper on Joe Rogan’s Response to Oliver Anthony Reading Proverbs 4:20 During Interview

Oliver Anthony
Screengrab via "The Joe Rogan Experience" / Spotify


John Cooper Weighs In on Anthony Reading Scripture and Rogan’s Reaction

John Cooper, lead singer for Christian rock band Skillet, briefly weighed in on a Anthony’s Proverbs 4 reading on “The Joe Rogan Experience” in a Cooper Stuff clip.

“The best part about it is actually Joe Rogan’s response,” Cooper said. Reacting to Rogan saying “That’s pretty f***ing profound,” Cooper said, “Fact check: True.”

Cooper added, “I wouldn’t put it exactly like that. But it is profound, because when we read the Bible, it’s not just words that some really super old people wrote. It is words breathed out by God himself.”

“God gives us instructions for how to live, how to love your neighbor, how to treat people who do not treat you well, how to treat your wife, how to parent your kids, how to work hard,” Cooper shared. The Bible even gives instructions for “what to do if an ox falls on you a crushes your testicles—that’s really in there—the Bible is words of life.”

Cooper then argued that the progressive worldview is always looking for its answers in the future. “We are progressing towards it rather than looking backwards towards wisdom. It believes that the people that came before us were retrograde. They were old, and they didn’t know what they were doing.”

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He added, “But now because we have new technology and we have better information, we’re going to find all of our new answers at a point in a prospective future, reaching towards utopia.”

However, the truth is that wisdom is derived from those who have come before us, because the Word of God lasts forever, Cooper argued, and that is what “we should be building our lives upon.”

“So the hope for America does not lie in the future. It actually lies in the past and our shared history and the wisdom of the Bible,” Cooper concluded, encouraging others to try to it for themselves.

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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