Andy Stanley Tells Unconditional Conference That Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan ‘Have Nothing Helpful To Say to Parents’ of LGBTQ Kids

Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley image NPPublishing, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Screengrab of Rosaria Butterfield, Christopher Yuan, and Becket Cook via YouTube @Becket Cook


Stanley urged parents with LGBTQ+ children to “never to give up influence” with their children.

“Parent with a relationship in mind, not your reputation, and not behavior,” he said. “We want to get to 25 years old, and I want them to enjoy being with me and with each other when they no longer have to be. It’s so important.”

“You know this. You’re learning this. This is why you’re here. You never want to give up influence with your children unnecessarily,” Stanley continued. “And for those of you with LGBTQ+ kids, you are tempted, probably daily, to accidentally give up influence—ultimate influence—with your kids. And the church has not been your partner, and it’s time for the church [to partner with parents].”

Stanley Says Butterfield, Yuan, and Cook ‘Have Nothing Helpful To Say to Parents’ of LGBTQ+ Children

Causey then asked Stanley if he would share the story of how he has witnessed the benefits of parents who attend their child’s same-sex wedding. Stanley paused before answering the question and asked if they were being recorded.

Causey replied, “We are, but just for us.” Stanley then asked, “Who’s us,” evoking laughter from the crowd. “You and me. So we can play it back,” Causey clarified.

Stanley went on to share that he recently listened to a podcast hosted by Becket Cook in which Cook asked Christopher Yuan and Rosaria Butterfield what they would say to a parent whose daughter asked them to attend their gay wedding. (All three theologians once lived a “homosexual lifestyle” until they gave their lives to Jesus.)

Stanley said he had read multiple books and listened to many of the three authors’ podcasts. He then facetiously said that they “got it all figured out.”

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“They’re telling everybody what to do,” Stanley added. He started to say something else about them, but stopped, saying, “You know their stories.”

While Stanley was referencing Cook, Yuan, and Butterfield, Causey briefly mentioned Sam Allberry, a pastor, Christian professor, and author who is same-sex attracted but who adheres to a traditional sexual ethic. Stanley quickly said, “I love Sam. I don’t put him in the category of those three.”

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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