Christian YouTuber Mike Winger, who is an ordained pastor but not currently shepherding a church, recently spoke with Charisma Media’s John Matarazzo about his four-hour video, titled “The Victims of Benny Hinn: 30 years of Spiritual Deception.”
Seventeen days after posting his viral video, Winger shared in a separate video that Hinn was attempting to get his video, which has over 900,000 views, removed from YouTube. In the four-hour video, Winger argued that Hinn has been financially and spiritually abusive throughout his years of ministry.
Winger’s interview with Charisma comes after Charisma posted a two-part interview with Hinn. Matarazzo said, “We’re trying to platform voices the best way that we can as we see God moving.”
“You are not an anti-charismatic-heresy-hunter, but you are a Continuationist,” Matarazzo told Winger.
Winger shared that his ministry consists answering “tough questions about the Bible” and “verse by verse teaching” online, with the occasional topical discussion, like the one he posted regarding Hinn.
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Winger told Matarazzo that many people have assumed he is a Cessationist because of his criticism of Hinn. But there is a “fundamental flaw” when “people will unintentionally think that criticism towards a Charismatic leader is criticism of the gifts,” Winger said.
“I believe in prophecy, tongues, all of those things,” he added. “I think there’s something that God has for believers, and I’m eager to have them. I think about what Scripture tells me about the desire to prophesy, I pray for prophetic things to happen and stuff like that in the church that are genuine and real.”
“But,” Winger continued, “I also affirm Scripture when it says test all things [and] hold fast to that which is good, that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, that there will never be fakery in the Christian church…and so I’m zealous for that.”
Later the interview, Matarazzo asked Winger if he believes Hinn is a Christian. Winger replied by saying that he doesn’t usually “weigh in on” that type of question. However, he added that he has done so in the past, most notably with Joel Osteen, whom Winger believers is misguided but still a Christian.
RELATED: Has Benny Hinn Repented of the Prosperity Gospel?
“But when it came to Benny Hinn, I don’t have that confidence at all,” he said. Winger elaborated, “God is the judge…I’m not actually judging. I’m not sending him anywhere.”