‘This Is Where It Gets Crazy’—Pastor Ed Newton Shares the Rest of the Story of the Man Shouting Profanity in Church

Ed Newton Ruslan
Screengrab via X (formerly Twitter) / @RuslanKD


Pastor Ed Newton of Community Bible Church (CBC) was recently preaching when a man in the congregation shouted profanity. The video from that service quickly went viral—due to the loving, authentic response of Newton that day.

Many were moved by the video, which showed a congregant named Michael’s willingness to bring an unhoused man, Anthony, to church, Anthony’s story, the generosity of the congregation, the response of Newton, and the moving of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Ed Newton Gives Background and an Update on Tony

YouTuber Ruslan KD sat down with Newton to ask questions and gain more understanding of what transpired that morning.

Ruslan began by asking how Newton knew Anthony’s name. In the video, there seemed to be a seamless moment between Anthony’s shouts and Newton addressing him by name. Newton explained that he didn’t know Anthony (whom he also called Tony) before that morning.

Before the service started, Newton was in the foyer welcoming people into the sanctuary, and Tony came in. In a loud voice, Tony complimented (complete with an expletive) Newton’s shoes. The boisterous comment prompted Newton to introduce himself to Tony.

Then, the church service—the one from the viral video—began. When Tony shouted out during the service, Newton recalled his name from meeting him that morning.

“That stuff happens often. Not the profanity but interruptions,” Newton said. “CBC is a church for people who are most likely unchurched or de-churched or really don’t understand the formality.”

“CBC has grown to offer five services each weekend. There is not a church etiquette,” Newton said. “That’s one of my favorite things about our church.”

Newton told Ruslan that people shouting at him during a sermon isn’t all that uncommon. In fact, someone else “flicked a cigarette” at him while he was preaching a while back.

“There was a lot going on in that moment,” Newton recalled. After Tony shouted, people from the congregation kept going to the front either to talk with Newton or to give money in effort to help Tony. Newton remembers feeling a “panic attack” coming on.

Newton was raised in a Baptist church and now pastors a non-denominational church. He said he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit about three years ago. “Lord, I want more of you,” Newton said. “I’m not seeking the Spirit for stage giftings because that’s ‘seven sons of Sceva‘ stuff.”

“I just want to walk in joy and fullness and awareness of, ‘God, what you are doing?'” Newton said. “I know this sounds trite and cheap, but it’s real.”

CBC had begun to pray as a church for God divinely to interrupt their services to move to God’s agenda. “Real, raw, relevant—not at the expense of not teaching truth,” Newton said. Tony is a great example of what happens at CBC each week.

Those at CBC don’t pass offering plates. If there is a cause or a need shared during a service, it’s quite common for churchgoers to get up from their seats and bring cash to the front of the church. The same thing happened when Tony was introduced. Several people came to the front to give financially to help Tony get back on his feet. More than $5,000 was given that morning.

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Janna Firestone
Janna serves as Director of Women's Ministries at LifeSpring Covenant Church. You'll find her engaging in authentic conversation, enjoying a good laugh, or embarking on an outdoor adventure. Janna has contributed to several books for women and youth in the church, spoken to women's groups across the country, led small groups, and found a deep appreciation for soul care. She lives in Colorado with her husband and two sons.

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