‘Faith. Family. Friends. Football.’—LA Rams’ Cooper Kupp Says Football Isn’t the Most Important Part of Life

Cooper Kupp
Screengrab via YouTube / @Cooper Kupp


As the Los Angeles Rams’ wide receiver and Super Bowl 2022 MVP, Cooper Kupp’s accolades keep rolling in. But that’s not what he wants to talk about. In fact, Daily Grind—a podcast started by Cooper and his wife, Anna—focuses on their adventures in parenting, their new coffee shop, and a few behind-the-scenes football stories.

“It’s not about getting through today. It’s making the most of today,” said Cooper.

Cooper Kupp Disagrees That You Need To ‘Sacrifice Your Soul for Success’

A third-generation NFL player, Cooper Kupp began dating his now-wife, Anna, while in high school. He has been outspoken about his faith on and off the football field as the couple raises their three boys. The couple just launched a podcast where they are authentic and transparent in their celebrations and struggles.

“We’re trying to thrive. We want to be there for our boys and not feel like we’re just kind of surviving with our boys,” Cooper said. “But we’re giving them an opportunity to grow into what they’re going to be—men of God.”

Cooper said with a laugh, “We live in the midst—among the midst—of craziness.”

The couple shared appreciation for their boys. “We have great boys. Our boys are incredible,” Cooper said. “In the middle of the day, we’ll be like, ‘Wow, we just feel so incredibly blessed by our family and the love that we get to share in our home.'”

Cooper recognized that the parenting load falls to Anna during the football season. “The times that it gets really wild is really during the season when you’re going ‘solo-dolo,'” he said. It’s in those times that they focus on “finding balance” and attempt to avoid “burning out.”

Whether on or off the field, Cooper attempts to “keep the priorities just where they need to be.” He said, “I put faith, family, friends, football,” in that order.

Anna explained that during the football season, priorities do get out of balance. “There’s such a huge focus on football—which it needs to be because that is your job,” she said. So the couple allows “room and flexibility and grace” for each other.

“I think finding stillness is an important thing,” offered Cooper. “Stillness to me is very different than being stagnant.” Being stagnant, the couple explained, is when there is a lack of intent, focus and movement. Stillness, on the other hand, is a purposeful rest.

Cooper referenced and summarized football coach Bill Walsh’s philosophy. He offered quite a bit of respect for the coach who contributed so much to his team and to the overall game. Walsh’s argument is that if players are not in a bad place, at odds with their families and losing sleep—then they’re not committed enough to the goal.

“Players are taught…you need to sacrifice your soul for success,” Cooper said. “I couldn’t disagree more…I know that as a football player, when everything else is in alignment, when my priorities go: faith, family, friends and football, I’m in such a better place.”

In 2018, Cooper tore his ACL, prematurely ending his football season. The injury ended up being one more opportunity for the couple to work together. “You were in pain. There were so many external emotions that you’re working through,” Anna said. “And then just to watch football on Sunday as if nothing had happened and our world is completely turned upside down.”

Cooper mentioned, “I would never sacrifice being the best husband, being the best dad” to achieve more success on the field.

He described a job and marriage as accessories to a relationship with God. “They all exist together, and it’s not that one can’t exist without the other, but those all need to be in harmony with each other,” he said.

Cooper and Anna parent their three sons together while they navigate the many demands on their time. “There are frustrating times where we’re both exhausted at 3:00 in the morning trying to figure out how to get this child to close his eyes and just sleep,” described Cooper.

“We get to go through this together,” he reflected. Even in the trying times of parenting, Cooper and Anna rely on each other. And because of the teamwork with Anna, Cooper feels free to be fully present at work on the football field.

“As soon as I’m done here, I get to go home, and I can be right there and be 100% the best dad I can be, the best husband I can be.”

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Janna Firestone
Janna serves as Director of Women's Ministries at LifeSpring Covenant Church. You'll find her engaging in authentic conversation, enjoying a good laugh, or embarking on an outdoor adventure. Janna has contributed to several books for women and youth in the church, spoken to women's groups across the country, led small groups, and found a deep appreciation for soul care. She lives in Colorado with her husband and two sons.

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