Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Signs of a Dying Church

5 Signs of a Dying Church

5. God shows up looking for your church’s lampstand.

We often think God wants our church to go on forever, and in cases where little openness to God’s agenda for your church has atrophied for lack of action, He may send you notice your days are numbered. In my experience, this happens when churches have not heeded His will for years. It isn’t something that happens after one mistake — it usually takes at least a decade.

Before your church literally has to close its doors with no real agenda, God will usually offer at least one opportunity to rebirth through merger, dissolution and joining another church, or replanting. Make sure it’s of God, but don’t pass on these because of pride.

Think Kingdom. I’ve seen churches whose best days are past them change their city for good through wisdom at the death stage.

One last thing: don’t be afraid to initiate conversations with churches you think might be interested in partnership. Look for flexible churches with similar theological DNA — who also are growing, have healthy leadership and quality staff.