Sometimes I think we have lost the biblical emphasis regarding the gospel being a message of peace. Toward the end of last century, evangelists often spoke of “how to have peace with God” or “steps to peace with God.” We were taught to ask, “have you made peace with God” and “have you experienced the peace of God in your life?” It often seems one generation’s emphasis is the next generation’s neglect. Has peace with God, as a facet of the gospel, become familiar, worn, and a hackneyed point of attention?
Peace With God
The prophet writes, “Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace” (Nah 1:15)! We live in a world that continues to crave peace–with self, others, society, and yes, God. Minds and hearts are greatly troubled. Suicide rates climb. Anxiety, depression, stress, worry, and fear enshroud multitudes.