10 Key Facts About Open Doors Ministry

Open Doors Ministry
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Open Doors Ministry operates with the singular focus of providing hope, resources, and advocacy for persecuted Christians. From its humble beginnings to its far-reaching programs, the organization’s story is one of resilience and faith.

10 Key Facts About Open Doors Ministry

1. Founded by Brother Andrew

Open Doors Ministry was established in 1955 by a Dutch missionary known as Brother Andrew. Famously nicknamed “God’s Smuggler,” Brother Andrew began the ministry by smuggling Bibles into Communist-controlled Eastern Europe, risking his life to deliver God’s Word to those denied access.

2. Serving in Over 60 Countries

The ministry now operates in more than 60 countries, focusing on regions where Christians face significant persecution. Open Doors provides spiritual and practical support, including Bible distribution, leadership training, and humanitarian aid.

3. The World Watch List

Open Doors Ministry is perhaps best known for its annual World Watch List, which ranks the top 50 countries where Christians face the most persecution. The list is an essential resource for understanding global religious freedom trends and advocacy efforts.

4. Bible Distribution

Continuing Brother Andrew’s legacy, Open Doors remains committed to providing access to the Bible. The ministry has distributed millions of Bibles and Christian literature to believers in regions where such materials are restricted or banned.


5. Supporting Persecuted Church Leaders

Leadership training is a cornerstone of Open Doors’ efforts. The ministry equips pastors and church leaders with the skills and resources they need to lead their congregations effectively, even in hostile environments.

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