Many have said that today’s Christians are shallow, ill of deep-rooted theology and unaware of who Christ really is in their life. And while my first reaction would be to fight this accusation, I can’t help but admit that we have a lack of legit disciples in our midst. Tim Keller once said, “Any person who only sticks with Christianity as long as things are going his or her way is a stranger to the cross.”
10 Reasons You May Be a Stranger to the Cross:
2. Have yet to proclaim Christ as Lord.
3. Zero hunger for God’s Word.
4. Failure to pursue righteousness.
5. Takes advantage of God’s grace.
6. Non-existent prayer life.
7. Only praises God when things are good.
8. Seeks theology that only gratifies self.
9. Views Jesus as nothing more than a ticket of out hell.
10. Twists biblical text to fit one’s personal needs.
We must realize that a relationship with Jesus is not easy, comfortable or able to be mediocre. In order to have a true relationship with Christ, one must hand their entire life over to His control. We must take a step back, humble ourselves before the throne, and let our life be available for His great mission.