For the Christian, there should be an overwhelming and pervasive sense of well being and peace, no matter what goes on in our crazy world.
Here are four good reasons why Christians can stay positive and calm even when our crazy world seems to be falling apart:
1. God is sovereign.
Over the chaos of our world, God will always reign Sovereign.
God’s Sovereignty won’t always make sense to us, but the truth of God’s Sovereignty should serve to remind us the world will never spin out of God’s control.
We need to return to Isaiah’s vision of God high and lifted up: Our holy God, high and mighty, who is not surprised when the world rages (Psalm 2:1-6). He alone is holy. He alone is worthy. He alone rules over all.
2. We already know how the story ends.
We already know how our story ends. We have an inheritance because of what Christ has done for us. We are headed for glory.
Eric Geiger wrote:
“God has designed the end and the in between. The end is people from every tribe, tongue and nation gathered around the throne worshipping Him because they were purchased with the blood of Christ (Rev. 5:9–10).
Regardless of what happens this week, what unfolds in the news, the ending has already been made clear: God is redeeming for Himself a people from all peoples.”
3. God calls us to walk in His peace.
Jesus says in the midst of every season:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Judah Smith writes: “How much of the pain and suffering in the world is caused by humans willfully pursuing their own desires? Peace—that essential, elusive, universal need of mankind—is restored to us in Jesus. God’s peace is first and foremost peace with him. It is an internal, spiritual wellness that is the foundation for peace in every other area.”
God calls us to walk in His peace, not add our voices to the world’s chaos. Now this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t speak truth to culture. There are times for this, but our tone, motivations and heart should be completely opposite of this world.
4. We believe in a God who redeems the very worst hearts.
We serve a God who turns things around. A God of the comeback. A God of the resurrection. And His resurrection power lives and dwells inside of us. Our hope knows no bounds, because it rests in a boundless God!
Half of our New Testament is written by Paul who did worse things than almost anyone in our world today. And God redeemed Him. This is the God we serve!
Throughout human history, God has worked on behalf of His people whose hearts were His. He has done mighty wonders. He has turned nations around. He has moved in power as His gospel was proclaimed. He has built His church, and the gates of hell have not, nor will ever, prevail against it.
A different way forward
What if we walked in the peace of God. A calm and stillness in a time where it seems we should be doing anything but this. How would God’s peace in us shine the glory of God in a dark world?
This article about how to be calm in a crazy world originally appeared here.