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10 Ways to Become a Plastic Church

4. Don’t ever talk about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Stay instead on the perimeter- the safe stuff. You don’t want to get into confronting people with their need for relationship with God. Smells like Plastic.

5. Don’t be relevant at all.

Instead, confuse people with your lofty scriptural explanations.

Make it so complex that only the spiritually elite like you can follow. Make application of Scripture a low priority and your methods of teaching the highest priority.

Make people depend on you as a leader instead of empowering them.

For bonus points, show off all your Greek and make people feel guilty for not knowing as much as you.

6. Care more about your agenda than about honoring and loving people.

Push, push, push your church-centric agenda. Don’t respect and honor the role your people have in the community, in their neighborhoods, in their workplace, and in their families. Make it all about the four church walls.

This has Plastic Church written all over it!

7. Make spiritual growth a low priority.

Spiritual growth is so tough to track, why even bother? Focus instead on the programs you’ve been running for the last decade.

They are way more predictable than diving into a new arena like authentic spiritual growth. Plastic.

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