Outreach Leaders

How Captions Are Key to Engaging Younger Generations and Boosting Attendance in Churches

Captions are a way to boost engagement and attendance in venues, such as churches, that historically might have overlooked them. 

What Is Thanksgiving Day?

The Pilgrims landed in 1620. They faced brutal conditions and were woefully unprepared. Roughly half of them died in that first year. Then they had a successful harvest of corn. In November of 1621 they decided to celebrate the first thanksgiving.

The Fog of Missions

A robust exegetical theology is not widespread throughout the world in general, and the West in particular. The result is a fog of confusion that surrounds the work of the Church in the last days. We are in the fog of missions.

How to Witness to Family Members at Thanksgiving

What if we saw our gatherings with extended family not as a chance to check out, but as an opportunity for Christian mission? Do you know how to witness to family members?

Investing in Others: Passing the Torch Makes YOU Burn More Brightly

Contrary to the belief that “You’re going to work yourself out of a job,” the exact opposite is true in the Kingdom of God. In fact, the more that you take the time to invest in those around you and help train them to be successful, the more your job security increases.

To Sustain Ministry, You Need Time Off

How tired do you really feel? It’s easy for leaders to accept the exhaustion that comes with constant decision-making and people management. We tend...

10 Characteristics of a Healthy Church

A healthy church is not simply a church wrapped up in continual introspection and self-purification. It is a church wholly in love with Christ and fully committed to His Great Commission

5 Cultural Norms That Threaten to Crush the Church

Many overlooked cultural norms are contrary to and sinful within the Kingdom of God, unknowingly supported by many of us.