Home Pastors When Bible Knowledge Isn’t Enough

When Bible Knowledge Isn’t Enough

The power is not in reciting the Bible. The power is in the one who spoke the world into existence, who formed humanity from earth, and who is actively restoring and redeeming our world.

‘If People Would Just Know The Truth About Abortion, Racism, Etc…’

History shows that humanity has a way of mistreating and dehumanizing fellow image bearers. You don’t have to be a Christian to recognize in the depths of your soul that it shouldn’t be this way.

As believers, we understand that intrinsic value is placed within every man and woman, because this is the way God designed it to be. Yet the evil that resides in the hearts of people leads them to mistreat, abuse, and dehumanize others.

This evil plagues our society even today. Rampant abortion and racism are just two examples of people mistreating other people. But the argument is never that simple, and the web is deeply tangled. It’s hard to see how we can ever be free of the abuse and mistreatment of other humans.

Many of those trying to make a difference in these areas turn to the strategy of education. If people just knew the truth of how horrific, damaging, and unethical abortion, racism, and the many other social issues we face are, then certainly things would change. But that isn’t necessarily the case.

There is certainly value in education, especially in these areas. We must start somewhere. But mere knowledge will never solve all of our social issues.

Some years ago, I committed 40 days to standing in front of and praying for my local Planned Parenthood. During this time, I realized a lack of education or information wasn’t ever the driving force behind many of the decisions being made behind those doors. It was far more complex and nuanced than that.

I had a conversation with one woman who understood there was a life growing inside of her, but she stood behind her right to choose what played out in her life—the right to choose what happens with her body. There was another woman who also understood life was in her womb, but she was nineteen, in an abusive relationship, had no family support, and was unsure if she could even provide for herself.

These two women were aware of the truth about abortion. I don’t know how their stories ended, but I know that their view on abortion wasn’t going to change based on education. It had to be something more than that.

There are countless stories of other social ills that aren’t a result of a lack of information, education, or awareness. Education campaigns are helpful and necessary, but they can only go so far. What our world is in desperate need of is surrendering our hearts and lives to Jesus.

Even as people who desire to see social change, we must rely on the power of God to change the hearts of our family, neighbors, community, nation, and world. And we should be willing to be used in the process.

The Call For More Knowledge Is A Front For A Lack Of Surrender

Unconditional surrender is more than just hard—it’s unnatural. It requires full reliance on, trust in, and letting go to someone else. This is the invitation of Jesus. He calls us to not maintain a conditional-based surrender.