Home Pastors 12 Ways Pastors Help Their Kids Hate Church

12 Ways Pastors Help Their Kids Hate Church

kids hate church

12 Ways Pastors Help Their Kids Hate Church…

  • Always ask how something might impact your ministry before asking how it might impact your family.
  • Move to a new church every couple of years.
  • Consider unscheduled phone calls or visits from church members as divine interruptions, but unscheduled phone calls or visits from your children as disrespectful intrusions.
  • Never remove your pastor hat to wear your parent hat.
  • Attend out of town conferences at prime locations but never have enough time for family vacations.
  • Miss ballgames and concerts to attend church stuff that you scheduled.
  • Don’t protect them from unfair and unrealistic church member expectations.
  • Have a different spiritual persona at church than you have at home.
  • Use them as sermon or teaching illustrations without their permission.
  • Express your disappointment or embarrassment when they act like regular kids.
  • Never show them affection at church.
  • Expect them to have the same passion for your calling as you do.

This article about things that make pastors’ kids hate church originally appeared here and is used by permission.