Home Pastors 11 Christianese Words and Phrases We Should Retire

11 Christianese Words and Phrases We Should Retire

The church is meant to be a spiritual family. That spiritual reality is enough. We don’t need to add a spiritual-sounding word to give ourselves permission to just enjoy one another’s company. 

Similarly, we should also retire “doing life together,” which has no such rich biblical history or usage. 

9. ‘Season’ or ‘Circumstance’ 

Christians, like everybody else, experience moments and even extended periods of life marked by difficulty. It’s just that when we speak about those difficulties, we often feel the need to soften our language. Whereas a non-Christian might say, “life sucks right now,” a Christian will say, “I’m experiencing a circumstance of tribulation” or “a season of hardship.” 

These phrases aren’t necessarily bad. But you should know that you have permission to be frank about what you’re feeling or going through with God and other believers. If you don’t believe me, just take even a cursory look at the Psalms.

10. ‘Daddy God’

This one is only popular in certain circles, but we need to get rid of it wherever we find it. 

Yes, God is our Heavenly Father. And Paul tells us that he is our abba, which is an Aramaic term of endearment that was used by children to address their fathers. Be that as it may, translating abba as “daddy” isn’t exactly the most precise. 

What’s more is that when you address our Heavenly Father as “Daddy God” in a room full of other people, it comes off as just a little bizarre. 

11. And, This Goes Without Saying, ‘Smoking Hot Wife’

The fact that this phrase is still in circulation among youth pastors and even youth-oriented senior leaders is nothing short of baffling to me.