
8 Danger Signs of a Bad Pastor

Identifying a bad pastor early on can prevent long-term damage to both individuals and the church as a whole.

Why Christian Leaders Need Other People

Christian leaders need other people. In particular, they need other people to help them to stay grounded because it matters so much that leaders lead like Jesus.

6 Ways To Know If You’ve Been Called By God

We are all called by God. None of us are second-class believers.

3 Things Pastors Should Stop Doing in 2025

As the year comes to a close, many people are setting their intentions for 2025. Sometimes, becoming the leader God created you to be requires you to focus on what you’re going to stop doing rather than what you plan to start.

12 Things Pastors Cannot Do

There are 12 things a church pastor cannot do. Pastors are amazing people and, in faith, they can do a lot...just not these things.

5 Reasons I’m Starting To Read a Paper Bible Again

"What are your thoughts and experiences about reading a paper Bible versus an electronic one?"

Tim Keller: 3 Questions Fake Christians Can’t Answer

There are several questions that fake Christians won't be able to answer. According to Tim Keller, these are questions that focus on hallmarks of a growing relationship with God.

The Lesser Known Joseph

There's the Old Testament Joseph, the great savior of the nation of Israel. Then there's the New Testament Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.