

Barna Studies New Year's Resolutions in the U.S.

A new study shows less than one percent of American resolution-makers mention getting closer to God in 2011.

Study: Marriage Reduces Poverty

Marriage and Religion Research Institute says that marriage helps reduce poverty.

False Gods, False Benefits

The Israelites turned from God to idols out of covetousness and fear. We do it for the same reasons.

John Piper Reports on His Leave

"I find myself chastened, humbled, and perhaps more useable now. It is good to be back."

Free Sermon Series Package: Game Day

A three-week series through the book of Judges.

Os Guinness: Church Without Roots

Os Guinness questions whether the Western church can break free from "Babylonian Captivity."

5 Tips for Intentional Leadership

The ultimate commentary on your leadership will be the lives of those you've impacted.

A Candid Interview with Eugene Peterson

Gabe Lyons interviews Peterson about the pastoral vocation.

What's Your Resolution?

Eugene Cho, Kem Meyer and others share their goals for 2011. We invite you to share yours.

5 Books That Changed Me in 2010

Like past years’ lists (2007, 2008, 2009), I’ll keep this short and sweet with no attempt to rank my short list. Of the books...

If Truth Be Not Diffused, Error Will Be (Part One)

by Bill Walsh Why did the Gutenberg Press change the entire known world in one year? Why did Tyndale burn at the stake because he printed...

Lottie Moon and House Churches

In the month of December many church in my denomination take a special offering for international missions called The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. ...

Best Decision

As I'm reverse-engineering 2010, I realize that the best decision was inspired by Lora. Her dad used to read the Bible with her before...

It's Time

It’s time. Christmas Eve is just two days away. Jesus has come. Light has entered the darkness. Hope is here. Over the next few days,...

Some Quotes From Sunday’s Message On Peace

Wanted to tweet these…but figured it would be better if I shared what I felt were some of the most powerful/profound things that...

#6 in 2010: “And” Instead of “Or”

The number six most popular post of 2010 was one of my personal favorites. It led to a lot of comments and discussion...

A Note about Public Critics

I get my fair share of public criticism.  Got some today from someone saying that I have basically sold out for fame and limelight. ...

Life Scribbles: The Sobriety of Being Human

Human beings are amazing (if I do say so myself)! When I consider the amount of advancement achieved by humanity in areas like...

Free Sermon Series Package: How to be Rich

"There is more to life than chasing that elusive carrot that dangles so temptingly in front of you. Discover how to be truly rich, with what you already have."

90 Seconds, Ten Commandments

It doesn't take long to review the most basic guidelines for living. You could do it every day.

Phil McGraw and Ed Young Discuss God’s Calling, Parenting and the...

Dr. Phil McGraw recently spoke at Pastor Ed Young’s Fellowship Church, where McGraw shared his thoughts on topics including parenting, envy, and the importance of the church to society.

Steve Robinson: How To Create a Culture of Service in Your...

Steve Robinson joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can foster a culture of serving in their churches, raise up new leaders, and help people discover their giftings.
