Perry Noble

Perry Noble is the founding and senior pastor of NewSpring Church in South Carolina. The church averages 26,000 people during weekend services at multiple campuses throughout the state. You can read all of Perry’s unfiltered thoughts about life and leadership at Don’t worry, he holds nothing back.

4 Questions to Ask Before You Preach

Perry Noble shares four important questions to ask before you kick off your next message.

Should a Woman Be Allowed to Preach?

This is an article of clarification, not one for argumentation. I am simply answering a sincere question we occasionally receive: "Should a Woman Be Allowed to Preach?"

Are You Prepared for the Top 4 Areas of Ministry Attack?

People are going to question WHY you do what you do.

7 Things to Know About Sexual Sin in the Church

The costs of concealment are far greater than the costs of confession and repentance.

Two False Assumptions We Can’t Make!

#1 - That People Know They Can Come to Church In my personal conversations with unchurched people, there are SO MANY of them who think...

Are You a Ministry Pharisee? 8 Ways to Find Out

Perry Noble shares personal experiences about being a recovering Pharisee.

Five of the Most Difficult Areas To Trust God

There are places in life where we must work hard at trusting God.

Laziness & Prayer Do Not Go Hand in Hand

Perry Noble: God did not just call us to pray about His will but also to participate in it.

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