Brian Orme

Brian is the General Editor of He works with creative and innovative people to discover the best resources, trends and practices to equip the church to leader better every day. He lives in Ohio with his wife, Jenna, and four boys..

A Christmas Sermon 1,700 Years Old (From St. Gregory of Nazianzus)

Celebrate this Christmas with those believers who have gone before us. Here is a Christmas Sermon from St. Gregory of Nazianzus (AD 380).

Tim Keller: What is Contextualization?

Contextualization is not giving people what they want to hear but it is giving people biblical answers to the questions people are asking their particular time and place.

11 Totally Honest Responses to the Church Meet and Greet

Some people hear about a church meet and greet and think, "That sounds like fun!" Others hear the same words and and have these responses:

A Woman on the Plane Asked This Pastor What He Does. His Answer Is Shockingly Awesome.

How do you answer the question: What do you do for a living?

The Christmas Story Told From Kids’ Perspective

Despite hearing it over and over again, sometimes the Christmas story can be hard for children to grasp--and pastors to share.

Remembering 9/11: What Pastors Should and Shouldn’t Do

This Sunday, you have an important decision to make—how will you address 9/11?

Nick Vujicic: What Would You Rather Have?

We may not be able to control everything that happens to us but we do have a choice in regards to how we react.

Spoken Word Artist Braille and His Declaration

"There’s not one person this side of eternity that can hear the Gospel too many times."

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