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Pastor Secrets: 5 Things Your Pastor Wishes He Could Tell You

3. I don’t always know what to do.

I don’t have all the answers. I don’t always know what to do.

I know you know that. But there’s something in all of us that wants our leaders to know what’s next.

I’ve become committed to telling you when I don’t know, and I hope you can accept that. You also need to know I’m doing my best to surround myself with incredibly wise people. Together, we are far smarter and wiser than any of us is alone.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for a generation. No one understood why Jesus was so determined to go to the cross. And the birth of the early church in the first century probably made many people’s heads spin. But God was in all of it.

I’m sure as we pursue Christ as best we can, we’ll figure out where he is in the middle of all this.