Hi, I’m Brandon, and I’m a Millennial. And I’m here to tell you how to reach more Millennials in your church.
I am one of those “entitled,” “snowflake” babies born between 1980 and 2000.
Being a millennial comes with many unfair stereotypes:
- We are lazy.
- We want trophies just for participating.
- We can’t find stable jobs or move out of our parents’ basements…
While some of the stereotypes are true for some millennials, I know a lot of millennials who break the trend.
But there is one stereotype about millennials that is scary because it’s true. Millennials are leaving the church in droves.
So while I cannot pretend to speak for all millennials, I can tell you what my millennial friends and I want to see in your church. And how you can reach more Millennials.
1. To reach more Millennials…PUT MILLENNIALS ON STAGE.
When we go to church and see a bunch of gray-haired guys on stage and a bunch gray-haired people in the crowd, we wonder if we fit in.
Find ways to get younger people on stage. And let a millennial pastor preach every once in awhile.
If you don’t have one on staff (or at least as an elder or high-capacity volunteer), that may be part of the problem.
Show us that your church isn’t just an old-person club, but a place that we can serve and use our gifts too.
I know from experience how hard it is for millennials to break into ministry. We are starving for someone to give us a chance.
Just look at the churches that are reaching millennials and tell me if any of them don’t have young people on stage.
2. To reach more Millennials…BE REAL WITH US.
We crave authenticity.
Don’t pretend like everything in life is rosy when you follow Jesus. If you do, we will know you’re fake.
You aren’t fooling anyone. We all know you aren’t perfect. We loathe impostors, and many of us are skeptical because church leaders can seem fake.
So quit talking to us like we are naive and skipping around sensitive subjects.
Be uncomfortably vulnerable with us about your shortcomings and struggles in your faith. Tell us how you continue to wrestle with your imperfections while trying to follow Christ.
We want the ugly truth about the messy issues in life, even when it stings.