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Sometimes Pastors Need to Stir the Pot

God, help Your church.

If your pastor is taking a stand on an unpopular issue—and in the minds of some, taking the wrong side—but he backs it up with a solid interpretation of God’s word, then congratulations. You have a courageous leader.

Give thanks for such a fearless shepherd.

Now, support him.

Speak up for him. I assure you that some in the congregation and the community are upset. Your silence when they rant will be interpreted by them as approval of their position. Do not be silent. Speak up. “What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light” (Matthew 10:27).

Teach the people. Remind the congregation that the pastor is God’s messenger and not “our employee.” He is not sent to find the lowest common denominator of convictions and opinions and parrot them. He is not sent to tickle ears and spout platitudes. Even if doing so would guarantee continued employment and periodic raises.

He is sent to preach the Word, to shepherd God’s flock, to oversee the church, and to disciple the people of God.

It’s a rare church that will give the pastor the freedom of the pulpit to preach the word fearlessly.

Church leader, make your church the exception.

A friend with a half century in the Lord’s vineyard texted to say, “If you want to be ostracized, lead undocumented people to the Lord. Work with the poor, those who are obviously poor because everyone at church knows they are too lazy to hold a job. Then, dare to question something the president said or what he tweeted.”

God’s people can be so harsh, particularly toward those on the cutting edge.

The time will come, said the Apostle, when the people in the pew will not endure sound doctrine. They will want to hear what pleases them, and will support the teachers/pastors who give them what they want. They will not be able to abide the truth, but will fall in love with myths and stories and pleasantries.

Do not play that game. Tell them the truth. Endure hardship. Do your work. Fulfill your ministry. (Recognize 2 Timothy 4?)

Pastor, you be the exception.

“Though none go with me, I still will follow.”

They said to Evangelist Billy Sunday, “You’re stirring up opposition and the city fathers don’t like it. We depend on these people for our support. You’re rubbing the cat’s fur the wrong way.”

Sunday said, “The old cat’s going to hell! Let him turn around!”

Someone had better rub the cat’s fur the wrong way. Stir the pot. Rock the boat. Open this can of worms.

Quit playing it safe, preacher. You will stand before the Lord some day and give account. Make sure you have preached the whole word and not just “fun with the Greek verbs,” the sweetness of the 23rd Psalm, and the riches of your pet verses.

This article originally appeared here.