Louie Giglio: I Came Back and So Can You

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You could call Louie Giglio the “comeback kid”—especially if you know his entire story. ChurchLeaders podcast spent time with Louie recently.

Are you at a place in life where you think God is done with you?  Maybe you feel that way because of your sin, someone else’s or for no logical reason at all.

Louie Giglio said he’s been there.

The founder of the Passion Conference and Pastor of Passion Church in Atlanta, Georgia told his story on the ChurchLeaders podcast.  He also shared it in his book, The Comeback.

Giglio said he’s actually had two comebacks in life. The first was when he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, saying “I was dead but now alive ever more.”

That first comeback set him up for a second because being a child of God, Giglio said, “allows us to say God can still work with this.”

A Second Comeback for Louie Giglio

In 2008, Giglio was hit with a series of life altering storms and fell into a hole of depression and anxiety that lasted several months.  He said he found himself in a dark tunnel.  The depression attacked him physically and emotionally.  Giglio removed himself from the world and needed medical help. He doubted that he would ever preach or sleep again.

Giglio doesn’t know why it happened acknowledging that a lot of our stories don’t have neat, tidy, everything changed answers.  But he now has some insight into what is needed to get out of a spiral of depression.

First, Giglio said, “You have to hit the zero point. Rock bottom. If you’re still managing the crisis then you’re not in a position for God to help you.”

Giglio reached that point when he found himself flat his back, in tears, “done and finished.” It was then that God gave him a song of praise.

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Bob Ditmer
Bob Ditmer has worked in Christian media for more than 20 years including positions with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and Focus on the Family.

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