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What Defines Leadership!

Leadership is defined more by what you lead through than what you lead around.

One thing I’ve observed with many pastors and ministry leaders is that they allow their God-given vision to be controlled by the negative voices of others. They may know where God wants them to lead the people He has entrusted to their care, but as soon as negativity or push back comes, instead of plowing through by faith, they retreat, they settle, or they compromise.

Should this ever be the case?
I’m not suggesting we don’t get wise counsel or that we act flippantly to others when they have something to share (I’ve posted numerous times how and why I listen to criticism), but when in Scriptures did it turn out well when men and women acted contrary to the call of God upon their life?

Be assured, when you step out in faith, you’ll hear voices rise against you. People, usually a minority, will try to dissuade you. Everything you’ve ever done worthwhile caused someone to complain. You can bet on some dissension if it’s truly of God.

Here’s my personal counsel:

  • Make sure you know what God has called you to do.
  • Surround yourself with a few people who believe in you and your calling.
  • Don’t define a win in your ministry by how many negative voices you can avoid.
  • Move forward.

Be honest, have you ever wavered in your God-given calling because of negative pressure?

You may want to read: 7 Ways to Tell if Something is a God-Thing