Francis Chan asks listeners: If I interviewed people who know you (your family, your friends, coworkers, pastor, etc.), what would they say? What kind of report would they give?
What if, Chan asks, I was somehow able to ask God to give a report about you? How would the two reports—the one given by other people and the one given by God—compare?
Chan asks if the report given by other people put you in a better light than God’s report, could it be that you’ve been more concerned with your reputation than you have been with your character?
More to the point, Chan asks: Don’t you want to stand before Jesus and have him confess that he knows you and that you loved him while you were on the earth?
If we fool everyone on earth into thinking we lived this great life, yet end up in hell, Chan says, what good will that do us when we get to hell?
Chan identifies a couple things we need to be honest about if we are going to avoid being fake Christians: our disbelief, our fear of surrender, and the incongruency we see “between New Testament Christianity and our own lives.”